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Conference Programme


Welcome to EdUHK’s AASP 2023 Conference, July 13-15, "Asian Social Psychology in the Face of Global Challenges: Achievements and Opportunities."

Programme Overview Booklet: Download here

Whova Site and Agenda: See Agenda Preview and join Whova site here.


The past few years have seen unprecedented events pose new challenges around the world, from the Covid-19 pandemic to drastic changes in national leadership to global crises. In the face of these global challenges, the field of social psychology has sought to understand how individuals and groups navigate and cope with these changes and what they mean for society at large. In this conference, we discuss the achievements made in this area and examine the opportunities these changes present for psychological research. We look forward to you joining us to contribute to this important discussion!

The language of the conference and presentations will be English.


We will hear from our presenters in the form of 34 Symposia, 294 Single-paper presentations grouped by topic, and 161 Poster presentations (see the original Call for Submissions for format details). We will also enjoy:

Opening and Closing Ceremonies

Keynote Speakers

Featured Symposia:

  Associated Organizations

  Conference Theme

  Meet the Editors series

AASP Presidential Address

Award Addresses, including:

  Michael H. Bond Early Career Award

  Yang Kuo Shu Lifetime Contribution Award

AASP AGM (July 15)

Gala Banquet Dinner (July 14)

We are looking forward to seeing you in July!


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