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Online Participation

Online participants should ensure they can use Whova, join Zoom rooms for the seminar and single-paper presentations, and join Gathertown for online poster presentations. They should ensure they have a good internet connection, and a working microphone, earphones, and video camera.

Live-Online participation
For keynotes, symposia, and single-paper presentations, each physical room on campus will have a corresponding Zoom room, with the link displayed on the conference Whova site. Online presenters and online audiences can join the Zoom room to participate in the live event. Online speakers will be asked to "share screen" to display their PowerPoint slides and give their 12-minute talk in live time. (The conference Secretariat cannot help handle pre-recorded videos, but speakers can choose to "share screen" and show their own video if they have pre-recorded their talk). Both online and in-person audience members will be invited to ask questions live, either using the chat function or voice.

For poster presentations, online poster presenters will be asked to provide their poster as a .jpg ahead of the conference time. The conference Secretariat will place the .jpg posters in a Gathertown poster conference room. During the conference, there will be specific times assigned for online poster presenters to meet audience members in the Gathertown poster conference room to discuss their posters.

Online audiences may not be able to attend the in-person poster presentations. We will request in-person poster presenters to provide their poster content on Whova.

Post-event recordings
With the agreement of presenters, after the live presentations of keynotes, symposia, and single-paper presentations are complete, the recordings of live presentations will be viewable on Whova to conference attendees up to 3 months after the conference has ended.

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